We are a locally owned & operated family business who provide steam cleaning  services for carpet, rugs and lounge suites.  

Our Cleaning Process

Hot Water Extraction is a cleaning method in which pressurised hot water is spray-injected
into carpet pile, and almost immediately thereafter, the water is vacuum-extracted out to flush and physically remove soils and excess moisture from the carpet pile.  This is commonly known as steam cleaning.

Pre-Conditioning Carpets  Vs   In Tank Solutions

A study by the CRI into the impact of “pre-spraying carpets before cleaning” and the results showed “cleaning with chemicals used exclusively in the solution tanks of HWE units produced “soil removal only slightly better than flushing with plain water; whereas chemicals pre-applied in the preconditioning process, followed by HWE, cleaned significantly better than chemicals applied through in-tank solutions in the course of HWE

Our Cleaning Products 

They include Bio-Enzymatic cleaners which contain commonly used cleaning enzymes to help break down or emulsify chemical and organic waste. This process suspends the dirt and oils for hot water extraction.  Our HWE machine then flushes the carpet or upholstery fibres with a neutralising agent to  ensure a neutral PH balance – giving you a deep fresh clean.

Our products meet all AS/NZ standards and have been used in Australian homes for many years and are safe for all of the family including pets.

Our aim is to ensure your cleaning needs are met with as little disruption to you and your family or business as possible.  See our Specials page for our current promotions or offers.

Cleaning Services Include Residential & Commercial –

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